All Saints Sunday
Honor Your Departed Loved Ones - November 6

For All Saints Sunday (November 6), we hope to fill the church with hundreds, if not thousands, of faces of those saints – parents, siblings, children, best friends, neighbors – we see no more, but will see through the photos you provide as part of this annual celebration of their lives. There are multiple ways for you to participate in remembering the individuals dear to you.
- Provide a Framed Picture to St. James’
Please send or drop off a framed picture(s) of the person/people you want to celebrate on this day. There is no limit to the number of saints you can include:
Please limit framed photos to no larger than 8-1/2 inches x 11 inches. We would like to receive all the photos by Friday, November 4.
When dropping off the framed pictures, please adhere a label to the back of it so we can make sure it is returned to you. Labels are provided on a table outside the church office.
If you want to send a photo without a frame, we will work to frame as many of these as possible. - Attend One of the Three All Saints Services
On Sunday, November 6, the celebratory services will be:
7:30am – Traditional Rite I service with music
9:00am – Traditional Rite II service with full choir**
10:45am – Contemporary service with worship band**
**Also live-streamed online at
And, if you are attending one of the services and prefer to bring and hold a photo of your departed loved one instead of sending it to us ahead, please do so.
We truly hope you will choose to join us with your friends throughout the Skaneateles community on this special Sunday and share the joy of remembering and once again becoming one with those you love. For more information on our St. James’ All Saints celebration, please contact the church office at 315.685.7600.
And all are one, for all are thine. Alleluia. Alleluia.