Love one another as I have loved you.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a Christian-Care-Giving Program founded in 1975 and designed to pair a trained Stephen Minister with anyone who is experiencing a life challenge. Having completed a 50 hour training course, the Stephen Minister brings the healing presence of Jesus to the confidential and supportive relationship. This ministry at St. James being decades old, forms the basis of pastoral care in conjunction with the clergy.
Healing Prayer Ministry
St. James’ offers a Healing Eucharist every Wednesday at 12pm with unction. Wednesday Evening Prayer is at 6:00 pm each week in-person and on Facebook.com/StJamesSkaneateles. In this quiet and peaceful setting, prayers are offered for others and for ourselves. Individual confidential prayer is available on zoom directly following this service. There is link on the home page banner for that Zoom. In addition, private and confidential prayer is available during communion or following services at the peace altar. If you would like to pray with others, please contact a clergy person or Nancy Graham(nancy@stjamesskan.org).
Prayer Chain
At St. James’ we believe in the healing power of the Holy Spirit through prayer. If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, please contact the Parish Office where the Prayer Chain prayer ministry leader will deliver an email prayer chain to lift you in immediate prayer. If you would like to join the Praying team, contact the Parish Office as well to lend your strength to those in need.
Long Term Prayer
Each week St. James’ lists those in need of prayer in the weekly newsletter. Should you wish to have your name or loved one included, please contact the Parish Office.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry brings yarn to life with prayers. The shawl ministry at St. James’ began in 2007 and continues to bring God’s warmth to those in need of healing and comfort. Each shawl is blessed during a worship service, tagged with a prayer, and then awaits its receiver. St. James’ shawls have traveled far distances across our country and beyond. Yarn, needles and instructions are always available for the asking.
Eucharistic Visitation of “Our Friends at Home”
The Eucharistic Visitor ministry was accidentally omitted from the Pastoral Care list in the Annual Report. It is one of the most important ministries we offer to people not able to come to church to experience the Eucharist.
Eucharistic Visitor Coordinator trains people to take communion to anyone in our church family and keeps trainings current for those who are already sharing the Eucharist with those not able to come to church. Training happens each year and can also be done at another time if needed.
Coordinator: Marie Hughes
If you have questions or would like to be on the list to be trained, contact Father Joe Mitchell at fatherjoe@stjamesskan.org or Marie Hughes at mphughes3139@gmail.com .
Health Ministry-Parish Nurses
The mission of the St. James’ Health Ministry is to promote health, healing, and wholeness for God’s people in mind, body, and spirit. Health Ministry started at St. James in 2008, expanding our pastoral care ministry to include two trained Parish Nurses, Nancy Corl and Jean Randall. Their role is to provide health education and advocacy for members of the parish.
Martha Guild Ministry – meal preparation
Our Martha Guild volunteers prepare meals to be delivered to parishioners experiencing an interruption in their lives. A variety of recipes in consideration of dietary needs and restrictions are prepared in the church kitchen, frozen, labeled and available. Martha volunteers are always welcome!
Cards and Flowers
These remembrances are a tangible reminder that St. James’ cares and shares. Sending cards to people on our prayer lists and delivering flowers from the altar are appreciated ministries.