St. James' Table Top Talks (aka Foyer Groups)

What Exactly are Foyer Groups?

Foyer Groups are a fun and easy way for parishioners to gather together on an informal basis to enjoy one another’s company, to strengthen bonds of community, to meet new members and just get to know other people who share a common interest in St. James but with whom we might not otherwise interact. These groups are a wonderful way to get to know more people at church beyond sharing the peace during services.

There is no agenda or plan – just casual fellowship and a refreshing meal. Groups are made up of a cross section of the parish. Out of the meetings, friendships develop among people who might not have any other opportunity to meet and get to know each other. Newcomers are especially invited to sign up to join one of the groups.


Sign Up for Next Session Beginning in September 2024. 

Sign Up in the Parish Office



TABLE TOP FELLOWSHIP (aka Foyer Groups)  will be starting again in the fall – Hooray !

SEVEN Table Top groups of 6 met for 3 months this spring, generating fellowship opportunities that would not have happened without intentional groups being formed.  People have enjoyed meeting and sharing time with others they may have only shared the peace.

  “In order to be in community with one another, we need to respect the sacred bond that is facilitated during mealtimes……Eating with friends and strangers alike …… is one of the fastest ways to break down the barriers that separate us.” As we welcome each other into our homes, we share  the same love and fellowship that Jesus did with his disciples, that ‘hospitality extends to all’. (paraphrased – Kristen Leigh Mitchell)

In September we will reorganize the Table Top groups and start again for another 3 months, getting to know more people. And groups will continue to be an intimate size of six people.

If you were not able to join in March and would like to start in September, just let the office know or Nancy Graham 315-317-0138 before September 1st. 

We notify everyone the new group names and contact information in early September.

A nice addition will be to invite our new rector and her husband one time to your group.

Sign up by calling the parish office or see Nancy Graham,