Our mission is to engage the Skaneateles Lake community in watershed protection and ecosystem restoration by converting properties to deep-rooted native perennial plants, filtering increasingly frequent polluted runoff from intense rainfall events and providing habitat to native insect and bird populations that are both seeing steady declines in numbers.  

A 2023 study reveals that “at least 38% – and as many as 60% – of the pollinators targeted by the survey are at risk because they are rare or declining. For bees, up to 24% of the species may be at risk and an additional 11% are considered possibly extirpated or known only from historical records”. 

Gardening for the 21st Century would help!   “In the past, we have asked one thing of our gardens, that they be pretty. Now they have to support life, sequester carbon, feed pollinators and manage water.” – Doug Tallamy

We are pleased to introduce ourselves to you and our world of regenerative agriculture and native landscapes – where what we do supports the health and beauty of what’s around you, and in your kitchen – and ultimately you. It’s what you eat, the water you drink, the places your children and grandchildren play and the delight you feel when you see beautiful butterflies eating as well as you do. 

We are Doce Lume Farm and we grow and sell organic vegetables, fruits and herbs. We grow and sell local native plants and can design beautiful gardens for you with them. We also grow vegetable and herb gardens. There are many perennial meadow plants with which we  can design and install meadows in your landscape. Our staff appreciates the chance to advise how what we all do on the land impacts water quality and thus the quality of life.

Welcome to our world and this journey. We hope that you will share it with us.

*Janice Wiles retired in 2016 from a long career in biodiversity, land and water conservation to become a grower of plants native to CNY, vegetables and herbs. All are welcome to visit the demonstration meadows, gardens and production farm on East Lake Rd; please call or email to schedule! 

                     (240) 626 5209 / docelumefarm@gmail.com  

Take advantage of our Valentine’s Day gifts! 

Buy a summer farm box subscription and get a free native shrub and this PROMO code:  EXCLUSIVEFARMBOXSUBSCRIBER.  Your purchase not only gives you weekly or biweekly boxes of healthy food, it also goes toward growing perennial plants for stream/lake protection, stewardship education and organic food deliveries to people in need.
