All Saints Sunday
How to participate in St. James’ All Saints Sunday
For All Saints Sunday, we hope to fill the church with hundreds of faces of those saints – parents,
siblings, children, best friends, neighbors – we see no more, but will see through the photos you
provide as part of this annual celebration of their lives.
There are multiple ways for you to participate in remembering the individuals dear to you.
• Provide a Framed Picture to St. James’
• Please send or drop off a framed picture(s) of the person/people you want to celebrate.
• There is no limit to the number of saints you can include: (Pictures no larger than 8X10).
• All photos by Friday, November 3
• All photos need to be labeled clearly with name of deceased and your name and contact information.
Stickers will be available at the Parish Office.
This is the 2nd Annual All Saints Day Community Wide Celebration! Remember to call your friends and loved ones to invite them to come to St. James’ on November 5 to be a part of this beautiful and healing service. Many have died over the last few years leaving lots of us missing their smiles, laugh, and presence in our life. This All Saints Worship is a beautiful way to remember, honor and celebrate loved ones.
AND this year we are adding a special area for PETS that gave us all unconditional love!