History of Music Adult Lenten Study

Wednesdays in Lent at 5pm in the Parish Hall Feb. 21-March 20

“When in our music God is glorified…”:
Music and Christianity in Context

Whether we consciously think about it or not, music is almost inextricable from our experience of the Divine during our worship together. It’s not just true for Episcopalians, or even Christians: sung liturgy is part of the ritual of every major religious tradition, all over the world.

This five-week Lenten study takes its inspiration from Fred Pratt Green’s hymn “When In Our Music God is Glorified” (#420 in the hymnal). Each of the five verses of the hymn will serve as the departure point for our weekly discussions, from the history of sacred music to the instruments we use for music-making. Join us on Wednesdays from 5-6 in the parish hall – and don’t worry, Justin won’t make you sing (unless you want to!).

Week 1: “When, in our music, God is glorified…”: Why is music such an important part of Christian worship?

Week 2: “And did not Jesus sing a psalm that night?”: Christianity and Music from the early church to the Reformation

Week 3: “So has the church in liturgy and song…”: Sacred Music in Western Christianity from the Reformation to the Present

Week 4: “…a new dimension in the world of sound…”: The future(s) of Church Music

Week 5: “Let every instrument be tuned for praise!”: An introduction to the organ



Mar 20 2024


5:00 pm - 5:00 pm


St. James' Episcopal Church
96 East Genesee St, Skaneateles, NY 13152