Holy Conversations
Holy Conversations Workshop
We are so excited to invite you to participate in Holy Conversations, a day of storytelling about your life at St. James’ and an important part of this time of transition. You have already had a quantitative experience in the parish survey, which shows us what the numbers say about people’s preferences in their church lives. Holy Conversations is qualitative, as we listen to each other tell of our actual experiences at our church, when we have been most engaged, when we have been disappointed or hurt, and what our hopes are for the future. Our Vestry has already participated in Holy Conversations as part of their annual retreat this year. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, as Vestry members found a safe space in which to share their authentic stories of St. James’ – the affirming as well as the challenging. It is the hope of the Vestry to provide that same safe space for storytelling to the whole congregation, as a way to remind all of us experiencing transition that whenever we gather to share as God’s people, we are on holy ground, involved in a sacred process. Father Joe and the Vestry will facilitate our Holy Conversations on Saturday, April 6 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Lunch will be provided. In an effort to have as many participants as possible, we ask that you register – either by dropping off your RSVP card on your next visit to church or by calling the parish office. We look forward to seeing you on April 6 and hearing your stories of the life of St. James’, which are, of course, part of the Greatest Story Ever Told!