Maundy Thursday
6:00 pm, Agape Meal & Foot Washing – Parish Hall
7:00 pm, Holy Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar – Sanctuary
8:00 pm – 8:00 am, Vigil Watch – Sanctuary
This is the first evening in the “Easter Triduum,” which is the three-day festival that marks the end of Lent and brings us through Jesus’ death to his resurrection. “Maundy” refers to the “mandate” to love one another by washing one another’s feet. This service begins in the parish hall with an Agape Meal (or “love feast”, which is an ancient Christian meal of simple cheeses, breads, olives, and dried fruit done on the day of Jesus’ Last Supper. Following the meal we will wash one another’s feet before processing into the Sanctuary for Holy Eucharist, followed by the stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday. You can sign up to sit for an hour with Jesus in the Garden of Repose (set up in our Peace Altar) as a reminder of his invitation to watch with him in his final hours.